The company said: We review each request to make sure that it complies with both the spirit and the letter of the law, and we may refuse to produce information or in some cases will try to narrow down the request. 谷歌表示:我们会审查每份请求,保证其与当地法律意旨及明文规定相一致,某些情况下,我们会拒绝提供信息或对其要求不予完全满足。
The letter of request shall specify the amount of money or negotiable securities to be paid and the facts and proof on which the request is based. 申请书应当写明请求给付金钱或者有价证券的数量和所根据的事实、证据。
A letter of credit is issued on the request of the importer, but usually when credit is established by cable no letter of credit is issued. 信用状乃依进口商的请示而开立,但通常以电报开发信用状时,就不必另开信用状了。
Please submit a letter of request when renewing your license. 请提交书面申请为你的牌照续期。
She read the letter again and again, now full aware of the significance of the message, his unusual request and a real condescension. 他一次又一次读了他的信,现在已经充分意识到书信的、他不同寻常的以及他明确无误屈尊的意义。
Letter of credit is a written document from bank to the beneficiary ( exporter) to guarantee the responsibility of paying for the imported goods under the request of the importer. 信用证是银行根据进口商的请求,开给受益人(出口商)的一种保证承担支付货款责任的书面凭证,它是商业习惯的产物而不是法律的创制物。
In Chinese application letter, requesting is always put in the middle or at the end of the text. Before putting forward the request, there are some speech acts to be foreshadowing and after the request some speech acts to be compensation as well. 在中文求职信中,请求言语行为一般出现在中间或者后面,在提出请求之前会有别的言语行为来做铺垫,提出请求之后又会有其他言语行为来做补偿。